A downloadable game for Windows

Keyboard Controls:

Run: Left and Right
Jump: Up
Pick up Stuff: X
Attack / Use/Fill Water Can: C
Crafting Menu: Hold Ctrl, select Item and confirm with X
Select Item Menu: Hold Shift
Switch Fullscreen: F10

Gamepad is also supported. (XBox Controller)

Run: D-Pad
Jump: A
Pick up Stuff: X
Attack or Use/Fill Water Can: A
Crafting Menu: Hold LB, select Item and confirm with X
Select Item Menu: Hold RB

The goal is to survive as long as possible. Pay attention to your main needs: Health, Food, and Water. You always have to go to the right. You will notice that you will come to the same places, but everytime things will change.

Things you can do to survive:

- eat fruits and herbs
- collect materials from the ground to build new items
- drink water
- fill your can
- water small herbs and eat them later
- kill dears and eat their meat
- cut down trees
and more...

Ludum Dare 38



The World Repeats.zip 1.9 MB

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